Need to look something up quickly? Here you will find a brief definition of all relevant terms related to ZUGSEIL.BEST and our features. Simply use the full text search or click through the categories.
Logistic, Warehousing and Distribution
Asset tracking
Complaints and returns
Daily, weekly and annual backups
Digital output capture (SignPad)
Goods receipt
Highly configurable procurement portal
Immediate inventory
Impersonal purchase order (account-based purchase order)
Management of storage areas / warehouse structure
On-hand inventory
Management of on-hand inventories as decentralized, small warehouses in the company, e.g. as local buffer: small clothing stocks in production or for employees to equip themselves.
Operation of our own clothing store
Ordering articles with sizes / variants
Ordering articles without sizes / variants
Returns registration
Setup stations & picking control
Virtual warehouses/ custom warehouse structures
Warehouse returns management
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